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Ce qui suit est une liste d'articles scientifiques auxquelles une subvention a été accordée par la Fondation Universitaire. Les articles sont triés par année de publication et par titre.
Araujo N. et al. (2024) Insights from Melipona bicolor hybrid genome assembly: a stingless bee genome with chromosome-level scafold. BMC Genomics 25:171
Background The highly eusocial stingless bees are crucial pollinators of native and agricultural ecosystems. Never theless, genomic studies within this bee tribe remain scarce. We present the genome assembly of the stingless bee Melipona bicolor. This bee is a remarkable exception to the typical single-queen colony structure, since in this spe cies, multiple queens may coexist and share reproductive duties, resulting in genetically diverse colonies with weak kinship connections. As the only known genuinely polygynous bee, M.
Boeren, M. et al. (2024) Lack of functional TCR-epitope interaction is associated with herpes zoster through reduced downstream T cell activation. Cell Reports 43, 114062.
The role of T cell receptor (TCR) diversity in infectious disease susceptibility is not well understood. We use a systems immunology approach on three cohorts of herpes zoster (HZ) patients and controls to investigate whether TCR diversity against varicella-zoster virus (VZV) influences the risk of HZ. We show that CD4+ T cell TCR diversity against VZV glycoprotein E (gE) and immediate early 63 protein (IE63) after 1-week culture is more restricted in HZ patients.
Voorthuijzen F., Stroobandt C., Van Criekinge W., Goovaerts T. & De Meyer T. (2024) Loss-of-Imprinting of HM13 Leads to Poor Prognosis in Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma. Biomolecules 14, 936.
Genomic imprinting refers to the epigenetic silencing of one of both alleles in a parent-oforigin-specific manner, particularly in genes regulating growth and development. Impaired genomic imprinting leading to the activation of the silenced allele, also called canonical loss-of-imprinting (LOI), is considered an early factor in oncogenesis. As LOI studies in clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC) are limited to IGF2, we performed a genome-wide analysis in 128 kidney normal solid tissue and 240 stage 1 ccRCC samples (TCGA RNA-seq data) to screen for canonical LOI in early oncogenesis.
Schönborn C., Castetbon K. & De Spiegelaere M. (2024) Maternal birthplace and experiences of perinatal healthcare in Belgium: Evidence from a cross-sectional survey. Midwifery, vol. 138, 104139 & 104172.
Background: Patient experience is an important part of perinatal care quality. Migrant women in high-income countries often report more negative experiences than non-migrants, but evidence in Europe is patchy. In this study, we compared the experiences of two migrant populations with non-migrants, taking into account socioeconomic characteristics.
Ingels A. et al. (2024) New hemisynthetic derivatives of sphaeropsidin phytotoxins triggering severe endoplasmic reticulum swelling in cancer cells. Scientific Reports, vol. 14 (art 14674)
Sphaeropsidins are iso-pimarane diterpenes produced by phytopathogenic fungi that display promising anticancer activities. Sphaeropsidin A, in particular, has been shown to counteract regulatory volume increase, a process used by cancer cells to avoid apoptosis. This study reports the hemi-synthesis of new lipophilic derivatives obtained by modifications of the C15,C16-alkene moiety.
Ghaffari, H. and Devos, P. (2024), On the role of audio frontends in bird species recognition, Ecological Informatics,
Automatic acoustic monitoring of bird populations and their diversity is in demand for conservation planning. This requirement and recent advances in deep learning have inspired sophisticated species recognizers. However, there are still open challenges in creating reliable monitoring systems of natural habitats. One of many open questions is whether predominantly used audio features like mel-filterbanks are appropriate for such analysis since their design follows human’s perception of the sound, making them susceptible to discarding fine details from other animals’ vocalization.
M. Pigeolet et al. (2024) Outcomes of external versus internal fixation for traumatic lower limb fractures in low- and middle-income countries. Bone and Joint Open 5(11): 1020–1026, DOI: 10.1302/2633-1462.511.BJO-2024-0163.
Aims Lower limb fractures are common in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and represent a significant burden to the existing orthopaedic surgical infrastructure. In high income country (HIC) settings, internal fixation is the standard of care due to its superior outcomes. In LMICs, external fixation is often the surgical treatment of choice due to limited supplies, cost considerations, and its perceived lower complication rate.
Buseyne S. et al.(2024) Peering into the team role kaleidoscope: the interplay of personal characteristics and verbal interactions in collaborative problem solving. Frontiers in Psychology, 15:1345892, doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1345892.
The objective of this study is to explore the relationship between personalityand peer-rated team role behavior on the one hand and team role behavior and verbal behavior on the other hand. To achieve this, different data types were collected in fifteen professional teams of four members (N = 60) from various private and public organizations in Flanders, Belgium. Participants’personalities were assessed using a workplace-contextualized personality questionnaire based on the Big Five, including domains and facets.
Van Den Berghe T. et al. (2024) Predicting cytogenetic risk in multiple myeloma using conventional whole‑body MRI, spinal dynamic contrast‑enhanced MRI, and spinal diffusion‑weighted imaging Insights into Imaging 15:106
Objectives Cytogenetic abnormalities are predictors of poor prognosis in multiple myeloma (MM). This paper aims to build and validate a multiparametric conventional and functional whole-body MRI-based prediction model for cytogenetic risk classification in newly diagnosed MM.
Demeester B., Verloigne M., Willems S., Leta K. & Lauwerier E. (2024) Preventing smoking initiation in adolescents living in vulnerable socioeconomic conditions: Study protocol of the KickAsh!-intervention. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health DOI: 10.1177/14034948241236232.
Aims: Adolescents living in vulnerable socioeconomic conditions are confronted with tobacco-related health disparities. As school-based interventions appear to be less effective among these youngsters, other approaches are necessary. One promising avenue is youth social work settings that offer sport and recreational activities (SR-settings). SR-settings have been examined as a levering context for health promotion, but evidence regarding smoking prevention is currently lacking.
Van Nerom, S. et al (2024) Pulsed electric field (PEF) processing of microalga Chlorella vulgaris and its digestibility in broiler feed. Poultry Science 103:103721
Microalgae have potentially beneficial effects on animal health and nutritional value when added to feed. Crucial hereby is that intracellular bio-active molecules are released in the intestinal tract. Digestibility of Chlorella vulgaris and its impact on total digestibility of broiler feed is a first step in assessing its characteristics as feed supplement. Different methods could be used to increase the digestibility of the algae.
De Hondt et al. (2024) Quantification of ADHD medication in biological fluids of pregnant and breastfeeding women with liquid chromatography: a comprehensive review. Frontiers in Public Health, 12, 1437328.
Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that has long been considered a concern only in the pediatric population. However, symptoms often sustain into adulthood and may require medication. For women with ADHD, this also means dealing with the disorder during the reproductive period. Medication safety during pregnancy and breastfeeding is a critical concern, and the potential transfer of ADHD medication to infants remains a topic of scientific interest.
van den Oever, A. et al. (2024) Revisiting the challenges of ozone depletion in life cycle assessment. Cleaner Environmental Systems.
Recent works have highlighted the interconnected impacts of stratospheric ozone depletion, ultraviolet (UV) radiation, and climate change on various sectors, including water quality, agriculture, human health, and biodiversity. Increased UV-B exposure has diverse environmental impacts, including potential benefits like enhanced plant resistance and reduced vitamin D deficiency. However, the quantification of these effects remains incomplete. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) serves to quantify the environmental impacts of product systems.
Bruyneel A. et al. (2024) Social health gradient and risk factors among patients hospitalized for COVID-19 and pre-pandemic respiratory infections. A linked national individual case-control study in Belgium. Frontiers in Public Health Vol. 12,
Introduction: The literature establishes a clear social gradient in health for transmissible respiratory diseases. However, this gradient’s extent remains largely unexplored in the context of COVID-19, and it is uncertain whether the pandemic has exacerbated this gradient. The study aims to compare the socio-economic profiles and comorbidities during the COVID-19 pandemic with a control population affected by viral pneumonia/respiratory disease in 2019.
De Frenne P. et al. (2024) Ten practical guidelines for microclimate research in terrestrial ecosystems. Methods in Ecology and Evolution DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.14476.
1. Most biodiversity dynamics and ecosystem processes on land take place in microclimates that are decoupled from the climate as measured by standardised weather stations in open, unshaded locations. As a result, microclimate monitoring is increasingly being integrated in many studies in ecology and evolution.
2. Overviews of the protocols and measurement methods related to microclimate are needed, especially for those starting in the field and to achieve more generality and standardisation in microclimate studies.