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Ce qui suit est une liste d'articles scientifiques auxquelles une subvention a été accordée par la Fondation Universitaire. Les articles sont triés par année de publication et par titre.
Qayyum M., Kerre E.E. & Rana S. (2023) .FMIAT: Frequency Matrix Inclusion Analysis Technique for MCDM. Proceedings of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Tome 76, No 7, pp. 999-1007.
The wider applicability of inclusion measures as well as the diversity of data existing in real life situations has motivated most of the researchers to introduce a two degree inclusion indicator within the intuitionistic fuzzy framework. Although these measures are capable of portraying the level of inclusion as well as a non inclusion relation existing between objects under consideration yet, they lose their practical application due to their computational complexity in many decision making situations.
Moreels, P. et al. (2023) Intra- and inter-specific reproductive barriers in the tomato clade..Frontiers in Plant Science. 14:1326689.doi: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1326689.
Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) domestication and later introduction into Europe resulted in a genetic bottleneck that reduced genetic variation. Crosses with other wild tomato species from the Lycopersicon clade can be used to increase genetic diversity and improve important agronomic traits such as stress tolerance. However, many species in the Lycopersicon clade have intraspecific and interspecific incompatibility, such as gametophytic self-incompatibility and unilateral incompatibility.
De Weerdt, J. et al. (2023) Migratory destinations and spatial structuring of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) wintering off Nicaragua, Scientific Reports.
Understanding the migratory patterns of large whales is of conservation importance, especially in identifying threats to specific populations. Migration ecology, including migratory destinations, movements and site fidelity for humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) remain poorly studied in parts of the range of the Central America population, considered endangered under the United States Endangered Species Act. This study aimed to investigate the migratory destinations of humpback whales sighted at two study sites in Nicaragua, which are part of the Central America population.
Cossard A., Stam K., Smets A. & Jossin Y. (2023) MKL/SRF and Bcl6 mutual transcriptional repression safeguards the fate and positioning of neocortical progenitor cells mediated by RhoA. Science Advances eadd0676.
During embryogenesis, multiple intricate and intertwined cellular signaling pathways coordinate cell behavior. Their slightest alterations can have dramatic consequences for the cells and the organs they form. The transcriptional repressor Bcl6 was ecently found as important for brain development. However, its regulation and integration with other signals is unknown.
Esposito G. et al. (2023) Participatory governance in megaprojects: the Lyon–Turin high-speed railway among structure, agency, and democratic participation. Policy and Society. puac/029.
Megaprojects are increasingly common across countries and attract substantial political attention from a variety of actors. Recent studies have highlighted the need to move from an understanding of megaprojects as linear and rational processes towards a more nuanced approach that accounts for non-linear and conflictual aspects. Participatory governance is often proposed as a valuable resource in this regard.
Ryckx S. et al. (2023) Peripheral precocious puberty in Li–Fraumeni syndrome: a case report and literature review of pure androgen‑secreting adrenocortical tumors Journal of Medical Case Reports 17:195,
Introduction Pure androgen-secreting adrenocortical tumors are a rare but important cause of eripheral precocious puberty.
Opsomer S. et al. Resilience in advanced cancer caregiving promoted by an intimate partner’s support network: insights through the lens of complexity science. A framework analysis. BMC Palliative Care (2023) 22:12
Abstract Background The tremendous physical and mental burden that comes with caregiving puts the intimate partners of patients diagnosed with advanced cancer at risk for mental disorders. However, most partners seem to be protected by resilience. Such a resilience process is promoted by certain individual characteristics (e.g., flexibility, positive attitude, internal strength, capacity to balance incoming and outgoing information, and ability to ask for and accept
Bourmorck, D. (2023) SPICT as a predictive tool for risk of 1-year health degradation and death in older patients admitted to the emergency department: a bicentric cohort study in Belgium. BMC Palliative Care
Background Older patients are increasingly showing multi-comorbidities, including advanced chronic diseases.When admitted to the emergency department (ED), the decision to pursue life-prolonging treatments or to initiate a
palliative care approach is a challenge for clinicians. We test for the first time the diagnostic accuracy of the Supportive and Palliative Care Indicators Tool (SPICT) in the ED to identify older patients at risk of deteriorating and dying, and timely address palliative care needs.
Gheysen, J ; Kashiwar, A ; Idrissi, H ; Villanova, J (2023) Simar, A. Suppressing hydrogen blistering in a magnesium-rich healable laser powder bed fusion aluminum alloy analyzed by in-situ high resolution techniques. In: Materials & Design, Vol. 231, p. 112024 (2023) -- DOI : 10.1016/j.matdes.112024.
Hydrogen blistering, i.e. precipitation of supersaturated hydrogen at elevated temperatures, increases porosity during heat treatments in 4xxx series Al alloys manufactured by laser powder bed fusion (LPBF), as demonstrated by 3D X-ray nano-imaging in AlSi12. This paper proposes the design of a healable Al alloy to suppress hydrogen blistering and improve the damage management. The strategy consists of solute atoms diffusing towards nano-voids and precipitating on their surface, thereby filling the damage sites.
De Proost, M. (2023). The Dilemma of Socrates’ Position: Interview Methods and Feminist Empirical Bioethics. The Qualitative Report, 28(7), 2095-2112.
There is a growing body of bioethics research that addresses the importance of adapting empirical, predominantly qualitative, methods to generate debate on ethical arguments. However, there is an absence of illustrative work examining how this could be realised from a feminist perspective. This article, seeking to address the research gap, examines interview methods through a reflexive lens.
Quicray M., et al. (2023) The Drosophila-parasitizing wasp Leptopilina heterotoma: A comprehensive model system in ecology and evolution. Ecology and Evolution
The parasitoid Leptopilina heterotoma has been used as a model system for more than 70 years, contributing greatly to diverse research areas in ecology and evolution.Here, we synthesized the large body of work on L. heterotoma with the aim to identify new research avenues that could be of interest also for researchers studying other parasitoids and insects. We start our review with a description of typical L. heterotoma characteristics, as well as that of the higher taxonomic groups to which this species belongs.
Claus L, Schouler-Ocak M, Braakman MH, Sabbe B, Van Beuren G & van den Ameele S (2023) Unlocking asylum seekers’ voices: protocol of a mixed-method clinical study on the use of the cultural formulation interview with asylum seekers in Belgium. Front. Psychiatry 14:1156803. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1156803.
Background: Despite a high prevalence of mental disorders among asylum seekers, many barriers to mental healthcare exist. Cultural and contextual factors strongly influence the experience and expression of psychological distress, putting asylum seekers at greater risk of misdiagnosis and inappropriate treatment. The Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI) is a useful tool to map out cultural and contextual factors of mental disorders; however, to the best of our knowledge, it has not yet been investigated in asylum seekers specifically.
Van Rickstal R, Vleminck A, Engelborghs S, Versijpt J, Van den Block L. (2022) A qualitative study with people with young-onset dementia and their family caregivers on advance care planning: A holistic, flexible, and relational approach is recommended. Palliat Med. Apr 26:2692163221090385. doi: 10.1177/02692163221090385.
The role of membrane lipids is increasingly claimed to explain biological activities of natural amphiphile molecules. To decipher this role, biophysical studies with biomimetic membrane models are often helpful to obtain insights at the molecular and atomic levels. In this review, the added value of biophysics to study lipid-driven biological processes is illustrated using the case of surfactins, a class of natural lipopeptides produced by Bacillus sp. showing a broad range of biological activities.
Bonnechère, B., Samadoulougou, S., Cisse, K., et al. (2022) Alcohol consumption and associated risk factors in Burkina Faso: results of a population-based cross-sectional survey. BMJ Open 12:e058005. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2021-058005