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Ce qui suit est une liste d'articles scientifiques auxquelles une subvention a été accordée par la Fondation Universitaire. Les articles sont triés par année de publication et par titre.
Heller, M.P. et al. (2024) The space of transport coefficients allowed by causality. Nature Physics.
As an effective theory, relativistic hydrodynamics is fixed by symmetries up to a set of transport coefficients. A lot of effort has been devoted to explicit calculations of these coefficients. Here we adopt a more general approach, deploying bootstrap techniques to rule out theories that are inconsistent with microscopic causality. What remains is a universal convex geometry in the space of transport coefficients, which we call the hydrohedron. The landscape of all consistent theories necessarily lies inside or on the edges of the hydrohedron.
Baert, K. et al. (2024) The viscosity-enhancing effect of carob bean gum and sodium carboxymethylcellulose when added to infant formula. Food Science and Nutrition. 2024;00:1–10.
Despite limited supporting evidence, the practice of thickening breast milk or infant formula with commercially available thickening agents is prevalent. This study explored the viscosity-enhancing impact of carob bean gum (CBG) and sodium carboxymethylcellulose (NaCMC) when added to infant formula at various concentrations and for different thickening durations. The findings indicate that thickening leads to an exponential increase in milk viscosity, from 25% of the recommended dosage onward.
Schrijvers K. et al. (2024) Three Decades of Adolescent Health: Unveiling Global Trends Across 41 Countries in Psychological and Somatic Complaints (1994–2022). International Journal of Public Health Vol. 69 -
Objectives: This study examined (non-)monotonic time trends in psychological and somatic complaints among adolescents, along with gender differences.
Methods: Repeated cross-sectional Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) data from1994to2022covering15-year-oldadolescentsfrom41countries(N=470,797) were analysed. Three polynomial logistic regression models (linear, quadratic, cubic) were tested for best fit, including separate analyses by gender and health complaints dimension.
Imeraj L. & Gadeyne S. (2024) Trapped in Place? Ethnic and Educational Heterogeneity in Residential Mobility and Integration of Young Adults in Brussels. European Journal of Population 40:5
Spatial assimilation theory asserts that immigrants’ socioeconomic progress leads to residential adaptation and integration. This association has proven robust in USA and European urban areas through much of the twentieth century, but drastic change of ethnic and class compositions yet persistent (neighbourhood) inequality in the urban landscape urge us to reconsider the dynamic interaction between stability and change.
Tooth, C. et al. (2024) Upper limb functional testing: does age, gender, and sport influence performance? JSES International.
Background: Musculoskeletal adaptations are common in overhead athletes. As they also are involved in injury prevention, there has been an increase in their evaluation through shoulder screening over the last years. However, for some evaluations, and especially for functional testing, there is a lack of normative values, which limits the interpretation of the values measured. Moreover, the influence of age, gender, and sport on upper limb functional tests remains underexplored.
Luyts, J. (2024) Who should I interview in a household survey? The role of multiple interviews in research on adaptation to environmental change. Local Environment: The International Journal of Justice and Sustainability, 1–7.
Data collected in 2022 in rural Senegal on household adaptation to environmental change highlights the benefits of interviewing multiple members of a household. Not only does it enrich the data collected, with each member complementing the interview of the others, but it also provides access to different lived experiences. This is critical to ensuring that policy responses are appropriate for all members of a household and that all lived realities are made visible.
Perrot, A., Hespeels B., Van Doninck K. & Heuskin A. (2023) Adineta vaga under fire: simulating the impact of radiation Hydrobiologia.
Previous studies have demonstrated the remarkable resistance of bdelloid rotifers to ionizing radiation, making them an interesting model system for studying radiation effects on living organisms. In this study, we use simulations, instead of direct experimental exposures, to examine whether all bdelloids are affected equally by radiation exposure and to explore the relationship between biological data and energy deposition patterns induced by low and high linear energy transfer (LET) radiation.
Claeys A, Merseburger P, Staut J, Marchal K & Van den Eynden J, Benchmark of tools for in silico prediction of MHC class I and class II genotypes from NGS data BMC Genomics ( )
Background The Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) genes are a group of highly polymorphic genes that are located in the Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) region on chromosome 6. The HLA genotype affects the presentability of tumour antigens to the immune system. While knowledge of these genotypes is of utmost importance to study differences in immune responses between cancer patients, gold standard, PCR-derived genotypes are rarely available in large Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) datasets.
Asante, F. et al.(2023) Does mangrove vegetation structure reflect human utilization of ecosystem goods and services? iScience, vol. 26, 106858.
Many coastal communities in developing countries depend on mangrove ecosystem services (ES). A combination of anthropogenic and environmental stresses threatens mangroves globally. This study at the Ankobra catchment communities in Ghana focused on the relation between ES utilization and mangrove forest structure. Through vegetation survey, we observed significant effects of selective logging, branch cutting, density of Acrostichum aureum, and water stress on tree stocking and sapling densities.
Mortier, F. et al. (2023) Effect of laboratory and sample storage factors on urinary protein: creatinine ratios and clinical decision making in cats. Journal of Internal Veterinary Medicine Vol.37, pp. 1038-1046.
Urinary protein:creatinine ratio (UPC) results affect the diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy of chronic kidney disease in cats.
To investigate the interlaboratory and intralaboratory variability and the effect of storage on UPC and International Renal Interest Society (IRIS) proteinuria substaging in cats.
Healthy and diseased client-owned cats.
De Keersmaecker E. (2023) Effects of semi-immersive virtual reality and manipulation of optic flow speed on gait biomechanics in people post-stroke.Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 55:jmm12384.
This study investigated the effect of virtual reality and manipulation of the speed of the virtual environment while walking on a treadmill, both in people post-stroke and healthy people. Sixteen people post-stroke and 16 healthy controls walked on a self-paced treadmill.
Bertels, N., Seelen H., Dembele J. & Spooren A. (2023) Essential training variables of arm-hand training in people with cervical spinal. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine. 55: jrm7147.
Objective: To identify and evaluate 3 training variables of motor training programmes involving people with a cervical spinal cord injury: i.e. motor training strategies, therapy dosage, and persons’ motivation for arm-hand functioning in subacute and chronic phases.
Methods: PubMed, Cochrane, CINAHL, EMBASE, and DARE databases were searched for active arm-hand motor training programmes. Two independent reviewers assessed methodological quality. Pre-post effect
Wechs J,, Branciard C. & Oreshkov, O. (2023) Existence of processes violating causal inequalities on time-delocalised subsystems. Nature Communications
Van Acker, I.; Dewaele, A.; Elaut, E.& Baetens, K. (2023) Exploring Care Needs of Partners of Transgender and Gender Diverse Individuals in Co-Transition: A Qualitative Interview Study. Healthcare, 11, 1535. healthcare11111535
Abstract: Scientific knowledge on the impact of a gender-affirming transition on intimate partners of transgender and gender diverse (TGD) individuals is limited. It is unclear which care needs partners have and which role health care professionals can play during this transition process. The aim of this study was to explore the unique experiences and care needs of people partnering with TGD people in the context of a gender-affirming transition.
Vanhuysse, S. et al. (2023) Fine-scale mapping of urban malaria exposure under data scarcity: an approach centred on vector ecology, Malaria Journal vol. 22, art. number 113.
Background Although malaria transmission has experienced an overall decline in sub-Saharan Africa, urban malaria is now considered an emerging health issue due to rapid and uncontrolled urbanization and the adaptation of vectors to urban environments. Fine-scale hazard and exposure maps are required to support evidence-based policies and targeted interventions, but data-driven predictive spatial modelling is hindered by gaps in epidemiological and entomological data.