Revisiting the challenges of ozone depletion in life cycle assessment

Publication type: 
Anne E.M. van den Oever et al.

van den Oever, A. et al. (2024) Revisiting the challenges of ozone depletion in life cycle assessment.  Cleaner Environmental Systems.


Recent works have highlighted the interconnected impacts of stratospheric ozone depletion, ultraviolet (UV) radiation, and climate change on various sectors, including water quality, agriculture, human health, and biodiversity. Increased UV-B exposure has diverse environmental impacts, including potential benefits like enhanced plant resistance and reduced vitamin D deficiency. However, the quantification of these effects remains incomplete. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) serves to quantify the environmental impacts of product systems. This article revisits challenges related to ozone depletion in LCA by reviewing 15 Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) methods. It is shown that the currently available LCA ozone depletion practices are outdated. The combined effects of outdated background databases and incomplete impact assessment methods must be further investigated. Collaboration with atmospheric scientists and expansion of substances covered by characterization models are required. The study emphasizes the need to address interlinkages between impact categories and recommends climate scenario-dependent characterization for robust decision-making in an uncertain world.

Year of publication : 
Magazine published in: 
Cleaner Environmental Systems