Lunch-debate on November 9, 2016, with an indroductory talk by M. Jonatahan Faull, Director-General of the European Commission's Task Force for Strategic Issues related to the UK Referendum.
The speaker:
Jonathan Faull joined the European Commission in 1978, becoming Director for Competition Policy at the Directorate-General for Competition in 1995, Deputy Director-General in 1995 and Spokesman and Director-General of Press and Communication in 1999. After that he has held positions as Director-General of Justice and Home Affairs (later Justice, Freedom and Security) and Director-General of Internal Market and Services (later Financial Stability, Financial Services and Capital Markets Union). September 2015, he was appointed Director-General in the Secretariat-General entrusted with the special mission, on behalf of President Juncker, to chair the "Task Force for Strategic Issues related to the UK Referendum. Jonathan Fault studied law at the University of Sussex and has an MA from the College of Europe in Bruges.