Insights from Melipona bicolor hybrid genome assembly: a stingless bee genome with chromosome-level scafold

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Natalia de Souza Araujo, Fernando Ogihara, Pedro Mariano Martins and Maria Cristina Arias

Araujo N. et al. (2024) Insights from Melipona bicolor hybrid genome assembly: a stingless bee genome with chromosome-level scafold. BMC Genomics 25:171


Background The highly eusocial stingless bees are crucial pollinators of native and agricultural ecosystems. Never theless, genomic studies within this bee tribe remain scarce. We present the genome assembly of the stingless bee Melipona bicolor. This bee is a remarkable exception to the typical single-queen colony structure, since in this spe cies, multiple queens may coexist and share reproductive duties, resulting in genetically diverse colonies with weak kinship connections. As the only known genuinely polygynous bee, M. bicolor’s genome provides a valuable resource for investigating sociality beyond kin selection.
Results The genome was assembled employing a hybrid approach combining short and long reads, resulting in 241 contigs spanning 259 Mb (N50 of 6.2 Mb and 97.5% complete BUSCOs). Comparative analyses shed light on some evolutionary aspects of stingless bee genomics, including multiple chromosomal rearrangements in Melipona. Additionally, we explored the evolution of venom genes in M. bicolor and other stingless bees, revealing that, apart from two genes, the conserved repertoire of venom components remains under purifying selection in this clade.
Conclusion This study advances our understanding of stingless bee genomics, contributing to the conserva tion eforts of these vital pollinators and ofering insights into the evolutionary mechanisms driving their unique adaptations.

Year of publication : 
Magazine published in: 
BMC Genomics